Tri Wibawa, Humam Santosa Utomo


The Community Service Program (PbM) is carried out with business partners bakpia pathok 5758 which is managed by Mr. Madiyo having his address at Bedalo, Krambilsawit, Saptosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Constraints faced by partners are product quality that is not guaranteed due to limited production technology. The quality of the products does not meet the standards of consumer desires and if the demand is high, they cannot serve because of limited production equipment. This business also does not have a marketing network because it is still managed conventionally. Meanwhile, it only accepts orders from the surrounding community and tourists who visit various beaches in the vicinity. The purpose of this PbM is to increase the ability in production and the ability to market the products. The methods implemented are training and production assistance, facilitation of production equipment, and online marketing assistance. The activities carried out are procuring, training, and assisting efficient production equipment, managing product PIRT permits, and online marketing training and assistance. The results that have been achieved are: (1) increased understanding of production aspects so as to improve the quality and quantity of bakpia products; (2) the provision of production equipment increases the softness of the bakpia filling so that it is more acceptable in the market; (3) increasing partners' understanding of marketing and being able to use online media as a promotional tool; and (4) the readiness of SMEs to apply for P-IRT to the health office.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/psnpm.v2i1.6205

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31315/psnpm.v2i1.6205.g4023


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