Heriyanto Heriyanto


Saving picture which one media represent become part of memory or history document. It is
possible that very important to personal. Storage media of picture sometimes become important
that had been happened a modification about the original picture whitch a document become very
valuable because change by other people and than It is very difficult to prove will the truth of data
and original picture and modification picture. Modification picture in general to repair or with
specific purpose become the picture makes wrong purpose. BRG picture ( Blue Red Green)
representing base from colour in picture and It can be analyses about the picture change or colour
addition or the picture not change. Process checking of original picture is not also pixel but change
of colour a picture, can be known also with change of original primary colour of picture with
additional colour of picture, so that can be known by effect change of the colour with some analysis
which can ascertain colour change or not. How big change of the colour can be calculating with
use of primary colour mean, change of blue colour mean, change of green colour mean, change of
mean red and also all of them can be combine.
Keywords : History, Color, BRG (Blue, Red, Green), Modification, Document, Picture


Heriyanto, Jurnal Telematika Volume 9 No. 1, Juli 2012 ISSN 1829-667X

Lu, G, 1999, Multimedia Database Manajemen Systems, Artech House, Inc

Subrahmanian, V.S, Principles of Multimedia Databases System


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TELEMATIKA: Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
ISSN 1829-667X (print); ISSN 2460-9021 (online)

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