Heriyanto Heriyanto


Picture which used many to a collection by otentifikasi make a document which is very
worth which can be kept depicting aktifitas or a memory and remind will event. Depository of
picture can in the form of bitmap file represent a text file document in the form of bmp, jpeg. All
most picture can modify with processing return by expurgation in the form of renewing contrast,
modification and also colour trigging up picture or photo with a purpose to do editing so that
some part which is not fair become is better. Pemodifikasian draw in general to do the photo
appearance become better but sometimes the existence of some importance to modify picture
or photo for the sake of other like modifying photo and picture for the things of which is negative
take example to change face picture or body one with body or picture or other shares which non
part of the photo so that with modified by negative for the purpose of harming and even
photograph pornography which is many in modification for the purpose of certain so that many
Keywords : Picture, Bitmap, Modification, Photo, Contras


Lu, G, 1999, Multimedia Database Manajemen Systems, Artech House, Inc

Sanjaya, Dwi, 1997, “Bertualang dengan Struktur Data”, J & J Learning Yogyakarta, Andi Offset,

Silberschatz, K, 2005, Databases Systems Concept, 5th ed, McGrawHill

Subrahmanian, V.S, Principles of Multimedia Databases System


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TELEMATIKA: Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
ISSN 1829-667X (print); ISSN 2460-9021 (online)

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