Identification Of Keywords That Impact Of Increasing The Click Through Rate Of Online Advertising On Search Engines

Aris Wahyu Murdiyanto, Arif Himawan


Purpose: To identify keywords that can be chosen to increase CTR on the website so that the potential revenue of targeted prospects through search engines is higher.

Design/methodology/approach: This study applies the weighted product method based on the criteria that will be determined to find the best keyword list.

Findings/result: The results of identification by ranking using the weighted product method based on the criteria C1, C2, and C3 resulted in an average increase in CTR of 16.18% to 22.92%. With this increase, business owners can be more efficient in the online advertising process.

Originality/value/state of the art: The identification of keywords that can be chosen to increase CTR on a website by ranking using the weighted product method has never been done by previous researchers.



: keywords identification; Click Through Rate; search engines; digital advertising

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TELEMATIKA: Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
ISSN 1829-667X (print); ISSN 2460-9021 (online)

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