Experimental Analysis of Magnetic Particle Inspection on S355J2 Steel Weld Joints

Muhammad Avicena Apriliansyah


NDT (Non-Destructive Test) is a form of testing carried out on materials or objects without causing permanent damage to these materials or objects. This study aims to determine the NDT Magnetic Particle Inspection testing process that is carried out and find out the results of the inspection of S355 J2 steel specimens with the NDT Magnetic Particle Inspection test method as the basis for determining the GMAW Welder Qualification. Welding of S355 J2 Steel is performed by a certified welder using GMAW welding using a single V-butt joint at an angle of 30 degrees. NDT Visual Test and Magnetic Particle Inspection are carried out during material testing. Data & output shows welder PT. INKA qualified with the standards set by the company, namely AWS D1.1 and ASTME E 709. So the Welder can be allowed to work on a Project because it is considered to have met the required Welder qualification standards.


MPI, S355 J2, WPQR, Welding GMAW, Physical metallurgy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/jmept.v4i1.7813


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