Proses Electroforming Tembaga pada Bahan Acrylic untuk Prototype Canting Cap Batik

Joni Setiawan, Istihanah Nurul Eskani


The stamp canting is the main equipment of sticking malam (batik wax) on stamp batik. The process of making stamp canting was manually process, human resources working on stamp canting and the price of copper raw material which continues to be an obstacle for the stamp canting industry. Therefore it is necessary to develop materials and production techniques to make them more efficient. This study aims to diversify stamp canting materials and their production processes. The research method used is the experimental method. The material of stamp canting was acrylic. Cutting batik motifs is done manually with a saw. The next process is to coat the acrylic with copper use electroforming process. The conductor material is coated in 1 layer, 2 layers, and 3 layers carbon conductive paint. The canting cap prototype is made of 5 cm x 5 cm x 0,5 mm. The Electrolyte solution contained of 450 grams of copper sulfate and 150 ml of sulphuric acid and 3 liters of distilled water The variables that will be examined are the influence of the number of carbon layers, stress, current strength and time on the copper coating on the acrylic prototype of stamp canting. Based on the experimental results obtained by the process of electroforming with 1 time and 2 layers of conductive paint, copper can not coat the entire sample. The new electroforming process reacts well to 3 layers of conductive paint. The optimum voltage for electroforming is 1 volt. The time needed to coat the sample until it was fully covered in 120 minutes (2 hours).


acrylic, batik stamp, electroforming, stamp canting


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