Pemantau Tegangan Baterai Ion Litium dalam Rangkaian Empat Seri pada Aplikasi Penyimpan Energi Berdaya Tinggi

Najmuddin Yahya, Apriardi Ihlas


Lithium-ion Battery has been widely used in electronic devices as an electrical energy storage. Not only in portable electronic devices, but also in renewable energy generator such as solar cells. In high-power electronic application devices, it is necessary to have a series or parallel battery cells which connected to a battery pack. Previously, the results of the battery voltage only displayed the total voltage of the battery pack, which caused the individual voltage of each cell was unreadable, especially in a series circuit. Battery Cell voltage on it needed further observation, so we could find the performance out of the BMS in battery protecting. This research conducted in an electronic circuit to monitor the battery voltage in an arrangement of four series. Electronic circuit design was simulated using Proteus Software. The result of it used a combination of Buffer Op-Amp and Differential Op-Amp could read individual cell voltages. Then, the electronic circuit arranged on a breadboard to get the actual results. The actual assembly shows the voltage reading results do not match with the voltmeter reading. Since the prototyping circuit on the breadboard is not permanent, it affects the reading results. Further discussion is shown in this paper.


battery, lithium, series, voltage, monitor


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