The Effect of Workload and Person-Job Fit on Turnover Intention with Co-Worker Support as a Moderation Variable

Dyah Ayu Pramesti, Purbudi Wahyuni, Arief Subyantoro


This study aims to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of Workload and Person-Job Fit on Turnover Intention through Co-Worker Support as a moderating variable for CV employees. Jogja Caltics. The population in the study were all employees of CV. Jogja Caltics. Samples were collected using the saturated sample method with 51 employees as respondents. The method of analysis of this study uses Simple Linear Regression Analysis and Moderation Regression Analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive effect between workload and turnover intention. There is a significant negative effect between Person-Job Fit on Turnover Intention and an insignificant negative effect between Co-Worker Support on Turnover Intention. Variable Co-Worker Support moderates the effect of Person-Job Fit on Turnover. However, it does not moderate the effect of workload on turnover intention.

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